Dear Member of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience,
The FENS Regional Meeting ( will take place June 16-19, 2025, in Oslo, Norway.
Particularly for young researchers, the meeting offers the chance to meet in person several colleagues, establish initial collaborative links, and plan joint research activities together, which often become pivotal for their professional careers.
As announced on our website, the Belgian Society for Neuroscience offers a limited number of 4 travel grants of 600 € to young BSN members (PhD students and postdocs) attending the event.
To be considered for this competitive grant, a single PDF file (named as FirstName_LastName) must be sent to, prior to the abstract submission deadline (February 28th 2025, 23:00 CET).
The pdf should contain :
- a proof of BSN membership and a statement regarding past attendance(s) at the biannual BSN meeting;
- the full academic curriculum vitae, including gender, date of birth, grades, awards, full publication record;
- the abstract submitted to the FENS Forum, including a proof (e.g., confirmation email from FENS) of the actual e-submission;
- a signed letter of recommendation from the Director of the applicant’s laboratory.
We enthusiastically invite all the researchers of the Belgian community to participate and disseminate their world-class research at the European level.
We look forward to seeing you in Oslo.